Friday, July 9, 2010

Rexburg ponds

I took my nieces and nephews to the ponds in Rexburg. It is a place that attracts lots of birds, so I was sure to keep my camera ready and the kids quiet as we walked around. I was happy to find a few new birds.

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Have you ever heard one of these before? That was the first thing I noticed about this bird. I heard its call through the bushes long before I ever saw it. I was so glad to find what it was, cause it was driving me crazy not knowing.  A few days later we heard one "singing" from my sister's backyard and I was so proud when my niece recognized the call!

Northern Flicker

This bird disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared. I was barely able to snap a blurry picture before it was gone again. Very elusive. I could tell right away it was a woodpecker. How fun is that??!?!!?

Black-crowned Night Heron

We first saw this one fly over and had no idea what it was. I was happy to later stumble upon it to snap the picture. Very cool.

Bullocks Oriole

I had no idea we had orioles around here. My favorite kinds of birds to discover are the colorful ones. It was fun to see this pretty yellow bird. A little difficult to discover what kind it was, but no doubt that it's a bullocks oriole

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